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Bigger .. I like to do anal sex with big dick. You like anal ?
You want also with more boys at the same time? Yes, i like anal, i have orgasm
I like with 2 in same time. Amazing to be fucked in ass and pussy. Nice feeling
I know 3 guys from France, they are study medicine here in Arad. The best sex of my life
Yes. But they are negros, if you dont have any problem with that
Negros .. big dick. I like
I want try them. I will try to come with my friend next week to arad. I hope i can
I can talk with them, if you want more boys. Maybe 4/5. Like a gangbang. If you can resist
But not at same day .. i can make sex with them all. If i come i will stay 2 nights. I can meet them all
Oh ok, i asked if you want with 3 guys at the same time
I like sex as i like food
For me was the best. With 3 at the same time
3 guys in same time .. yes i can. My friend .. micheal .. asking you ..if you like to try his dick ?
Have you tried with more boys at the same time? Yes, he has a really nice dick
I tried before with 5 boys in same time .. but i will never do it again. Was very hard. All was have big dick
So you have experience
Make my pussy hurt me too much. Yes
Yes, the 3 french guys broked my pussy. I couldnt have sex for a week
Haha .. same was with me
Michael doesnt have more pics with his dick?
Have many. You like to talk on whatsapp ?
Yes sure. But, a little later because my boyfriend is home
No problem


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