Fotografie Angel Chat, Album: Angel Smalls Sexy
Poza Angel Chat. Angel Smalls este un pseudonim folosit de o actrita si tip sexuala din Statele Unite. Ea este cunoscuta in distinct pentru cariera sa in industria filmelor pentru adulti, fiind apreciata pentru performantele sale si pentru prezenta sa pe platformele onl
Imagine: angel chat .jpg You are intelligent, so you know what we churchmen do on sites like this. Trying to make people under. You are intelligent, so you know what we churchmen do on sites like this. Trying to make people under. You are intelligent, so you know what we churchmen do on sites like this. Trying to make people understand the meaning of life so that hominids do not destroy life. If heaven offers life and love, it is not to destroy it. Life is infinite like the univer. I feel a lot of unhappiness around you and you are partly responsible for it. If you dont want these unhappinesses to grow and your life to become unmanageable, start by not lying to yourself and to others. Learn to be honest with yourself and others and. Life is infinite like the universe. Before this universe, there was another universe which was destroyed by the beings of the time, billions of years ago, due to lack of love. A new universe was created by the eternal forces and again the present beings a. I sense a lot of unhappiness around you and you are partly responsible for it. If you are on this site, its because you feel bad about yourself, that you are suffering in your life, but its your responsibility. You have happiness at your fingertips but. I would like to apologize for having spoken a little harshly with you, but sometimes my situation as. I would like to apologize for having spoken a little harshly with you, but sometimes my situation as a priest makes me revolted by certain situations. I hope you understand that I have moral obligations but above all that I fully adhere to divine morality. Dont you want to trust God, to become a believer? Am I wrong if I tell you that you lie very often and that you deceive many people, that you manipulate many people? You seem completely lost, disoriented. I sent you non-chat messages. Have you ever thought of committing suicide? Do you have children, parents, relatives? Do you live with the person I call your angel? Living with this person may allow you to find a modicum of stability. On this site you are still looking for sex, a new sexual relationship for your Sunday tomorrow? I have just had a revelation, a vision that concerns you. I dont want to scare you but God has sent you an angel to save you. If you lose your angel. If you dont take care of your angel, you will lose everything. I dont know what you have to lose materially, its not the most important thing, but it will be your life that you will lose. There is something in you that is very dangerous. I dont know if you are aware of it but you are inhabited by extremely toxic spirits for yourself and for others. You are very dangerous to yourself. You must absolutely try to change yourself or you will not survive very long. Your angel and prayer or if that doesnt suit you psychiatry. God is protecting you but if you refuse the help of his messenger, you are finished. |
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Angel Smalls este un pseudonim utilizat de o actrita si model erotica din Statele Unite. Ea este cunoscuta in special pentru cariera sa in industria filmelor pentru adulti, fiind apreciata pentru performantele sale si pentru prezenta sa pe platformele onl |
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Angel Smalls este un pseudonim utilizat de o actrita si model erotica din Statele Unite. Ea este cunoscuta in special pentru cariera sa in industria filmelor pentru adulti, fiind apreciata pentru performantele sale si pentru prezenta sa pe platformele onl |
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Angela White este o actrita si regizoare australiana in industria divertismentului pentru adulti. A inceput cariera in acest domeniu in 2003 si a devenit una dintre cele mai recunoscute si premiate personalitati din industrie. Angela White este cunoscuta |
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