Foto Text Chat, Album: Legal Racing ZenoRacingClub
Fotografie Text Chat. tuning
Ilustratie: text chat .jpg We work in same place, so we come and go together That can put some pressure on a relation .. If we both keep liking to chat with each other somehow we will find a way Not exactly...o thought this will be, but not To chat more in the future Never worry for this Seems you like me also so i have confidence we will chat a lot more in the future Told you, i like open and nice persons. And you are one Looking forward to discuss many more things with you :-). You are amazing ;-) Thank you!...o think we could on watsapp...if you like Of course i would :-) Hahahaha....jus slowly...dont rush, otherwise i would think is something else behind. Ok, ull text you you can have my number. Ill text...not you :)) Yes of course, will never text you first. Heve experience with this :-). I am not rushing, told you i have patience for you Yes, i know...just joking. Apreciate very much your pantience I was involved with a married women before. Also in that case i never texted first Oh! than you re experienced :) In that part yes, 2 times experience actually You have lovelyy daughters Thanks :-) Welcome really. I think its fair to see me too. And i have pic on my wats profile That is very nice of you, appreciate it a lot. With the risk of getting more addicted ;-) carefull please I am carefull but cannot stop liking you i am afraid :-) thinking now i doing right to let you know me? I think yes :-). If it feels good for you also then the answer is yes ;-) i feel released In which way ? If it feels good for both of us why stop ? True :hug:. I miss you :hug:. I miss you, hope you are ok :hug: Busy busy..but not with this site :)). Talk later I will be waiting for you :-) Oki
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