
Foto Women Seeking Men In Pakistan, Album: Nina

Fotografie Women Seeking Men In Pakistan. sunt eu.......

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Poza: women seeking men in pakistan .jpg

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I was looking at the men in this website. Not easy for women to find a perfect guy... 90% Bukarest. That makes all a bit difficult
Im working as a waitress, I have an account here cause Im looking for men to date
And how is that going?
And also a lot of the men here are weird or psichopaths
I think you get around 1000 messages a day
Its going pretty good. Not 1000 but 10-20 messages yes. Also a lot of gypsies and bulgarians
Anyway: i think i am the only german/hungarian. ...
I think so, first one to message me anyway
Do You use to travel?
Not that much...right now Im working to help my parents
But You dont live with them..?
No I dont, my parents are from a city called Calarasi, i live in Constanta now cause I make more money here
Thinking about the pictures you made me see

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