Foto Cam Free Room, Album: Tanja Kewitsch
Ilustratie Cam Free Room.
Imagine: cam free room .jpg I feel v bad and alone. I will die here Where is your location I just need a room to stay with my bany. Baby. A cleam one. I teleorman I have free room if you like. In city center In bucharest? Yes I m really sorry, but i dont know you... i just can t accept I not stay there. Only 2 nights every 2 weeks. You will stay alone mpst of time. Think about it and if you want .. you can move tomorrow. Good morning. How are you today ? Hei, dear. I m to sad....... Hi dear .. good morning Hi How are you ? Why you sad ? Cuz i need to go from here Baby ... come bucharest and i will give you one garsoniera. Its easy. To stay alone. Hi. How are you ? |
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