
Fotografie Bucharest Whores, Album: album cutokio hotel shi pcd

Ilustratie Bucharest Whores. albumul meu e f mishto vetzi gasi poze cu Tokio Hotel shi cu Pussycat Dolls dak va place ma bucur dak nu va place voi incerk sa-l fac p placul vostru kutare placuta k o sa ai c gasi

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Buna. ce varsta ai?
120 y.o. you? Well? Are you 40? 41?
Haha! im 25, go find a cougar your age!
You look about 40. And your photos are fake, not yours.
Sure, whatever helps you sleep at night, grandpa.
I know very well what I am saying... And you will see it some later.
Looking forward to it, sugar daddy.
Be sure scammer
Aww, jealous much, old man?
Usually I am not. In particular way when I treat with a so rude and qithout any class woman. Its not. Its not worthy
Oh, sorry grandpa, didnt mean to hurt your feelings.
Hahaha you are just so cheap to hurt me... Most of women here are so cheap and rude. Just a photocopy of a rude whore of the cheaper bordel.
Well, looks like you found your type then.
I vomitate with such type
Good thing theres plenty of fish in the sea, grandpa.
Salta gamisu tora
Haha, nice try, but i dont speak that language.
Sounds like someone needs to find a new hobby.
I warned you to stop.
Or what, grandpa? You gonna put me in timeout
Ok you will see, cheap whore.
Wow, someones getting desperate.
Ok you wanted it. Dont be surprised of what will happen...
Bring it on, old man.
Fuck off patsavura!
Blocked and reported.
Salta pnixu re! Hi, how are you? Do you like kavli? No? Hi, how are you? Do you like kavli?
Hello there! yes, i enjoy kavli very much.
Keep it in mind because I can give you to taste it
Ill keep that in mind, thank you!
Welcome whenever! Whats your name? I am Theo and you?
Adriana, nice to meet you theo.
Hi Adriana! You look very pretty! Where do you live in Romania? Bucharest?
Is it part of Bucharest?
Yes, it is.
Its too hot here in Greece. I think a good sea swimming at night would be exciting. I mean nude

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