Fotografie Teddy Draw, Album: album foto tutankameen
Imagine Teddy Draw. Eu un album foto cu poze in el
Ilustratie: teddy draw .jpg A bit yes Well he is just a big teddy bear and love to give pleasure A big teddy bear with a big cock And he will not destroy your little pussy but give you amazing orgasm I love huge dicks anyway Then you will have pleasure for sure, the last girls was tiny and she even took the knot Im tiny as well, Im only 1.60m high. And 50 kg And very cute too ;-). The last girl was about same size like you and she had lots of fun. She even asked me after she was done with Bruno to fist her little pussy :-D You can fuck me too if you want We will see.. first i let you have fun and joy.. It most come all natural from both sides to be fun and satisfying.. Of courae. Course Just finish to brush and wash my big boy, nice and shiny coat again. Ready to meet his bitch :-D Ohhh. When do you wanna meet? Hi, when ever you want to, just next Tuesday I dont have time And you wanna go to my place or? Up to you, we can go anywhere.. Yeah for first time its better at my place Fine with me, but a motel is also good first time.. Nah its good at my place trust me , I live alone, my parents pay my rent Ok, as you like to |
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