Fotografie Inter Chat, Album: album foto tutankameen
Poza Inter Chat. Eu un album foto cu poze in el
Foto: inter chat .jpg It is hard to find something stable... i prefer to be alone, rather to be with a superficial person. I understand you .. its true. But its very hard to be all the time alone ... last 6 months ago i inter in relation but was very bad too How so? Why bad? Was something very bad .. girl was only looking how to make me want her always and know how to used me for her needs ( money .. gifts ). Not have feelings. Even in bed .. i was feel that It happens... If you do not know, there are men who do the same things... Yes i know .. but i not like .. i like to feel everything when i do Both should do everything in a love relation... Yes. How long time you not inter in relationship ? 9 month. Except one week in witch i fell in love and i was rejected... But why you not follow this relationship After a week he didn t want to see me... Why my dear He prefer to talk with many woman, strange, no matter how are looking... something a little seek... i think. Why! Just like that! In my opinion, without reason... Maybe he was only looking for sex .. and you not understand him. Many do like this. Strange mind Maybe.... All like sex .. but i think i am little diffierent ... i never touch a girl if i not feel her. Now i have more than 3 months without sex because i want feel it Ooo You ? How long ? 7 month Offfff. To long time .. but how you can resist. I think You are very strong girl ... to have 7 months without sex I can... must... do o lor of things What you do a lot ? You make yourself satisfied by yourself ? Read, watch movie...Ah, no. It is all in my imagination, no touch. I am the same .. all by imagination. But really its not good ..
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