Ilustratie Gay Live Songs, Album: amazing rosetta
Fotografie Gay Live Songs. Kawaii
Poza: gay live songs .jpg One of the songs that I like E o alegere perfecta pentru dans! But there are many songs very nice of her Absolut! are un repertoriu variat si captivant! It would be nice to see a live concert of her Cu siguranta ar fi o experienta de neuitat! Maybe one day Sper sa ai ocazia asta! Which singer do you like to see in live concert? Mi-ar placea sa o vad pe dua lipa live! I like also Dua Lipa! Ea are un vibe grozav pe scena! She is very nice and good voice Totul e angelic la ea! Te mai atrag si alti artisti? I like also The Weeknd Are un stil unic si melodii captivante! Yes its true Ai o melodie preferata de la el? Call out my name, in your eyes, dancing in the flames Toate sunt superba! ce emotii iti transmit? I like the music Muzica are un mod aparte de a ne face sa simtim! Yes and also with the music you can remember some moments of the past that happened Exact! Melodiile ne pot asigura aminte de momente frumoase Ita |
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Este un album foarte frumos,distractiv unde iti reamintesti momentele frumoase din viata ta. |
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