Foto: mtur s vids clk hr .jpg It is impossible to share stuff here Da, din pacate! uneori e mai greu sa te exprimi pe chat. ce ai dori sa impartasesti? Photos, vids (of my stuff), etd. I dont post pornography or dick pics Esti o persoana cu bun gust! ce altceva te mai pasioneaza in afara de fotografie? I am not nterested in photography. I would like to share some pics/videos of my house and hobbies Suna interesant! ce tipuri de hobby-uri ai? And also have some meaningful conversation, like talking with one another. Prefer sa ramanem aici pentru discutii. ce subiecte preferi sa abordam? Short ones, I guess Ce ai zice despre lucrurile care te fac fericit? Warm baths, sexual massage, oral, movies, walks in the forest. you? Suna relaxant! mie imi plac rochiile vaporoase si serile pline de conversatii I can talk a lot. I have lots of stories about my adventures (mostly in the US). I like a nice evening together of relax, a movie, some intimate time Frumos! ce filme preferi sa vizionezi? Then a good nights sleep, and the next day, some sightseeing. I like various movies. What movies do YOU like? Imi plac comediile romantice si dramele! ai un film preferat? I like comedy, and action. And cuddling while we watch, together. Btw, I have requested access to your album 2. may I see please Albumul e privat pentru prieteni selectati. ce ai dori sa vezi in el? Pictures Inca nu am partajat imagini cu straini. ce fel de poze te-ar interesa? Thank you. you look very fine. I notice that you also like toys. Are you familiar with the Lovense toys? Lush, Domi, etc? Btw, you have a very pretty and friendly face. I like Multumesc frumos! Da, cunosc jucariile lovense. ai folosit vreuna dintre ele? I have them, and have used them only occasionally. But I often play with nice girls online who have them. They suppor remote. it is nice to stimulate complete strangers. nice for them too, I think Suna distractiv! cum decurge interactiunea voastra? My interaction? with you? I guess we are making progress. what do you think? Cred ca ne distram si avem o conversatie interesanta! I am glad. I do not like to be too explicit online, particularly here. I enjoy playing on the videochat occasionally. it can be very nice. It is nice, with the interactive toys. And we also have nice conversations. And we usually also get whatsapp going so that we can share more things. nice girls! The Colombian girls are very friendly, and they have nice teeth :-D. I think that we could have a lot of fun together, given an opportunity. Se pare ca ai avut experiente placute! ce alte culturi te fascineaza? I liked when I lived in Germany (Bayern). But the girls there were boring, and not so pretty. You are more pretty :). And open-minded. I like your personality Multumesc! |