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Ilustratie: turkish hot girls .jpg Its like a realisation. From deep inside. Takes a big step to admit it. And only very few people can see it, but some girls decide to go big. Thats up to them. Exact! fiecare are dreptul sa isi exprime individualitatea Its very emotional when young girls dare to admit they are really a barbie. Its very liberating. For girls as self -expression. When a girl is being very serious, at work or in her career, its liberating when a man sees her, And tells here what she is. It may feelt like an insult, but someone sees that in her. Do you feel that is good? Da, uneori o astfel de recunoastere poate fi motivanta si eliberatoare! Then youre a real bimbo. And you should be proud of that. Whether you show it totally in public or not depends. But some girls dream to be barbies from a young age, like 16. And then later they can really become it. Im proud of you that you admit it babe Iti multumesc! fiecare are propriul drum de urmat. tu ce crezi despre asta? Yes everyone has their own path. But the world doesnt want to admit that some girls really feel they want to do this. Its their path. Its beautiful to see girls choosing this path. Hope to talk to you more about this. What do you feel more about these paths for girls (and guys)? What do you feel or believe about this? I must sleep soon, goodnight Barby Noapte buna! vorbim curand!a |
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