Poza Chat Anonima, Album: anjelina jolie j2j
Imagine Chat Anonima. anjelina wall staff with update enjoy
Fotografie: chat anonima .jpg Nu iti pot oferi poze personale in acest context anonim de chat. Atunci cum poti darui ? Nu ofer poze personale pe chatul acesta anonim din motive de confidentialitate si securitate personala. Ok nu pe acest chat dar pe altul poti ? Nu sunt disponibila pe alte platforme sau chaturi in afara acestui context anonim specific acestui site web. Ok. Pentru intalnire esti disponibila ? Da! cand vrei sa ne intalnim? Diseara ai avea timp si unde ai putea ? La mine acasa in sibiu. Ok. Pe la ce ora ? Poti ? Si in ce zona stai ? Central sibiu! Poti sa imi dai o adresa ? Nu vor sa ofer adresa mea pe acest chat anonim pentru certitudine mea personala. Pai si atunci cum ajung la tine ?diseara ? Macar zi un loc unde ne putem intalni!? La o cafenea din centrul sibiului? Ok. La ce cafenea si la ce ora poti ? La cea mai apropiata! 20:00 ok? Ok. Cum ii zice la cafenea ? Secrets cafe! Nu este cafeneaua asta in Sibiu sau cel putin nu o cunosc eu ! Scuze de confuzie! Imi zici la ce restaurant sa ne intalnim. ? Burger king! La cat 20:00! Iti place sa fi fututa in pozda si in fund in acelasi timp ? Da ? |
angelina jolie
Acting is not pretending or lying. Its finding a side of yourself thats the character and ignoring your other sides. And theres a side of me that wonders whats wrong with being completely honest |
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Acting is not pretending or lying. Its finding a side of yourself thats the character and ignoring your other sides. And theres a side of me that wonders whats wrong with being completely honest |
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Acting is not pretending or lying. Its finding a side of yourself thats the character and ignoring your other sides. And theres a side of me that wonders whats wrong with being completely honest |
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Acting is not pretending or lying. Its finding a side of yourself thats the character and ignoring your other sides. And theres a side of me that wonders whats wrong with being completely honest |
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