Poza Marathon Spray Long, Album: atb album
Foto Marathon Spray Long. poze de poze
Fotografie: marathon spray long .jpg What is it about long hair that attracts you the most? Do want to mean Why am I so attracted to a long hair? Exactly! what makes long hair so appealing to you? Just because its long and a girl can arrange her long hair, in many different sensual ways! Long hair does offer a lot of versatility when it comes to styling! And thats why I prefer the girls with long hair! Of course! Long hair definitely adds an extra touch of sensuality to a womans appearance! Then I understood, why I love you! Thank you, to your long hair and to your pretty face! You re too kind! Thank you for the lovely compliments. So you are! Thank you so much! Its just my eye, or your lips are to bouncing and so kissable? Too* I like to keep them looking their best! Uhhh... Llaaa.. . laaaaa... |
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cele mai bestiale femei din lumea cinematografiei, publicatiilor, cele mai cool caricaturi, louis royo etc,. |
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Fotografii de la patinoarul X-mas Park din 27 Decembrie 2006. Patinoarul X-mas Park deschis zilnic intre orele 09.00 - 23.00 in Parcul Kiseleff din Bucuresti. Detalii pe www.xmaspark.ro www.mcnino.ro |
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Albumul foto aduce in prim-plan o serie de portrete provocatoare, in care modelul este surprins in momente de gratie si seductie subtila. Fiecare imagine este meticulos realizata, evidentiind contrastul dintre umbre si lumini, care adauga un plus de miste |
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Aici sunt poze cu colegii mei ,prietenii si alte persoane importante din viata mea cum ar fii sora mea,Andreea si prietenul meu Tony |
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Poze realizate de Vlad Ionescu, Genral Manager V ShopS Brand si Desire Studio, sper sa va placa , este o scurta colectie . |
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Poze realizate de Vlad Ionescu, Genral Manager V ShopS Brand si Desire Studio, sper sa va placa , este o scurta colectie . |
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