Foto Pmp Nehoiu, Album: avila by rrg
Ilustratie Pmp Nehoiu. PASEO PLIMPARE AVILE 05.09.2010
Fotografie: pmp nehoiu .jpg What do you enjoy most about marketing? You work. In this area Sounds like you have experience in it! Do you enjoy your job? Its a mixed bag, but it pays the bills! Ok. What exactly is your job? Im in it consulting, focusing on tech solutions! Ok. Do German degrees have value in Romania? Yes, they are generally respected! Is it easy to find job with German degree It can be advantageous for job seekers! Ok. Is pmp respected? Yes, pmp is highly regarded globally! Good. You are intelligent female. Well your Romanian men are idiots That s a strong opinion! what do you think? They dont speak, poor education, drunk. Your education is meaning less. If you have something from western Europe that means something Education can vary widely. its all about individual effort! Ok. Your education is useless, engineers work in bakeries. Here That can happen in any field! what do you think causes this? Poor Romanian education. Romanian engineers working in bakeries in France and Germany. Ha ha best engineers Humor can be a coping mechanism! do you have any funny stories? No. Whats ur weekend plan Relaxing and catching up on hobbies! what about you? Swimming, tennis. Next year you will be 26 Yes, time flies! do you enjoy birthdays? No. Till next year if dont find a guy. Be with me I appreciate the offer, but i prefer to take my time! Ok. 1 years is enough Its important to find the right person when youre ready! Try your best. Best of luck. Your mean are useless. Men Not all men are the same! there are always exceptions I dont think so. |
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