Imagine Chat Bisexuale, Album: balustrade inox
Poza Chat Bisexuale. Confectii balustrade inox,inox-lemn
Fotografie: chat bisexuale .jpg Do you want to chat?) Yes Are you bisexual? Yes. .. did you read my proposal? I havent seen anything. Could you write it here? ...The idea would be.............Im a bisexual guy and my question..............Would you try something with a guy bisexual?......I have an apartment from my job in Ploiesti. discretion and............... Im ok to try! Im quite interested in such relationship)). Are you top or bottom? I am versatile. But with you i will be bottom Im more into bottom, is it ok? :) Tell me what would you like us to do? sexually speaking Id love to suck you regularly and would like to try anal for the first time. I mean you fuck me Interesting would it be the first time with a man? I did a blow job once long tome ago, but it never happened again. Nevertheless Id love to do it again Okay. Nice Are you ok to keep this relationship confidential? Yes of course And by the way did you have a sex with man previously? .. I would like to see a picture of you. Yes i make sex with a man Lets exchange photos a bit later if its ok for you since Im quite busy at the moment. By the way, are you single or do you have a gf/bf/wife?? I have a gf Me too :))) Good. .. what do we do with distance? I think we can figure it out. Lets chat and will see where it lead us too, dear ;))) Yes. Ok What dou you like in sex? Kiss suck. And fuck Cool, its hot! Sex with a man is full of adrenaline I really love eat cum by the way My sperm? You like? Yes! Nice Im quite cum addicted ;)))
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