
Ilustratie Pitesti In, Album: bill and tom tokio hotel

Foto Pitesti In. plin cu poze cool cu tom and bill

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I am glad to hear. I wish you health all the time. Tell me more about you. You remember our game. We used to ask everything. To know eachother
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M-am mutat la o scoala in Pitesti
Ask me all
Aaa. Which school
Acesta e al doilea an cand merg
Let me find the location
Nicolae Iorga. Si mai am la liceul din orasul meu
I found it. How many days you go pitest?
There is phot of school at google
Da. Care?
Made by elena mocioc. A classroom with many students and techers
Elena Mocioc e profa de romana:)
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Dq. In octombrie imi va veni masina noua. Sandero stepway
Bravo. Stepway is nice
Do you like the school in pitest? Have problem with principle?
Nu prea imi place. Nu am programare cu nimeni,dar nu imi place situatia

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Tokio HOtel sunt tari caq formatie bill are o voce senzationala dar tom.....baiatul perfect..x

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I love bill and tom , but the most i love bill !!!!!!!!

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Bill frumos...??...of doamne.....frum e tom...I love you tom ....nu bill..adik ....nush...pan la urma urmei sunt gemeni...so...sunt la fel....dar tot tom e in my heart

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album th mai ales cu tom si bill

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Poze cu Bill Tom shi Tokio Hotel..

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danna love bill kaulitz

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tom kaulitz love denger

CeL mAi TaRe AlBuM fOtO ToM KaUlItZ si ToKiO hOTeL pEnTrU fEtElE cArE vIsEaZa Ca InTr-O bUnA zI iL vOr InTlNiI pE ToM

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tokio hotel mai mult tom

cele mai multe poze cu Tom si bill ......ca ei sunt THE BEST......ce fain arata....si canta tare.........sunt cei mai dragutzi fratzi

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Cele mai mishto poze q BILL und TOM KAULITZ

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bill shi tom

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Un album provocator ce dezvaluie intimitatea si senzualitatea Stellei Barey in imagini incitante si indraznete, oferind o privire captivanta in lumea sa de pe platforma OnlyFans. Fiecare fotografie surprinde farmecul si dorinta ei de a-si impartasi frumus

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Un album provocator ce dezvaluie intimitatea si senzualitatea Stellei Barey in imagini incitante si indraznete, oferind o privire captivanta in lumea sa de pe platforma OnlyFans. Fiecare fotografie surprinde farmecul si dorinta ei de a-si impartasi frumus

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Un album provocator ce dezvaluie intimitatea si senzualitatea Stellei Barey in imagini incitante si indraznete, oferind o privire captivanta in lumea sa de pe platforma OnlyFans. Fiecare fotografie surprinde farmecul si dorinta ei de a-si impartasi frumus

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