Poza Sexless Marriage For 18 Years, Album: bill tom
Ilustratie Sexless Marriage For 18 Years. sa fie mega cooool
Imagine: sexless marriage for 18 years .jpg Not yet You want to learn? Yea Why? I wo. Will stay for 5 years at least Ok. In Bucharest? Yes Or in the our country? I go on all country Ok. A five years ago? No i here since 6 months Ok :) Then what? I will stay for five years. Enough to build strong friendship with u. U have child? Is possible than the relationship to finish when to go. No Then i take u with me It is to early to make such plans. No? I know. But i want u to know if there is relation it dors not have to end. I am 47. And you? Wow. U look very good What? You look younger :) Oh... No.... |
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