
Fotografie Dutch Dating Website, Album: billicik

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I usually talk a lot when i am around people. Is weird indeed when you meet someone and there is silence
Yes, it is...after a while you dont know what to say
I think i would not be silent if i would meet you :-)
You think so? :)))). As i know dutch peoples...i know youre right :)
I am sure i will talk. You are nice, seem to be very open and not afraid to talk. You know other Dutch people also then ?
Yes...i have a very good friend from HOLland. And ive met many years ago one here in city. Like you, he was here with work. Not married. But loved so much Cluj, he came and sticked here :))
He lives here or only visits sometimes ? I am just not a tall and skinny typical Dutch guy. Bit shorter and shubby
He lives here, but have family out there. I mean parents and relatives. Bur dont know much about him, as we stopped talking from long time
I only have my mother in Holland, she is 82. Now you have a new Dutch guy to talk a lot with :-)
Wow...and she lives alone?
Yes, my father died in 1995
And im happy to have one more friendly and nice dutch friend!
After that she remained alone
She can manage all alone?
I am very happy to have you also :-). Yes she manages quite good
May God bless her, to can fo it more. Okay, my dear dutch -clujean friend, i have some work to do now. Please forgive me, ill be silent a while. But as ill have some time, ill message you, okay? Oh....i forgot,,,have i asked about your name? :)
My name is Eric. Full name Hendrikus Gerardus Adrianus van den Abbeelen
Im Julia...happy to meet you Eric
Quite a long name :-)
Ohh well :)))). Eric is fine :hehe:
I will be waiting for you to write me more. Eric is a lot more easy indeed
Ill write to you. Thank you! Have a lovely day, Eric
Thank you very much also. Hope to hear you again soon :-)
You will :eye:
I will always be here ;-)
Wont forget this ;-)

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