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Ilustratie: videochat live free .jpg Are u live here? Yes. I live here. In sector number 6. How about you? Am live near to Bucharest Do you live alone? No. I have kids. U havnt free place, right? Free place for you to rent or what kind of place? No. U ask me about my place... I live alone. Why are you here on the site? I mean, are u live alone or with someone? What would you like? I live alone Im looking for someone, who love passion I would like to have passion with you. Are you married? But not in one night. Yes Yes...I would like you to be my we can have a long relationship of good sex, fun and. Passion. Would you like that? Yes. But, at first we need will know eath other Of course...what do you want from a relationship? what would make you happy? What is your name? Cristian my name. Nice to meet you! I like truth. I dont like a man on one night. But I like passion. And I like to kiss... I love that too. I like to kiss you all over. Face, body, your beautiful pussy...i like to kiss it for hours :P. Do you like that? I like many things. Do u have free time on working days? Of course I do. I understand you cannot meeting in the weekends. So you would like during the week? It wi be more comfortable for me Yes, we can do that...:). So do you want to have this for pure placere or would you like other things as well? What are you mean? My english is not very good ). I would like to have some relationships. And now I wanna sleep |
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