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Yes, but my girlfriend can also see whats app, so I should always delete the conversation. I am now leaving for a work in Vidra commune, to take some materials. But what do you usually bring from there to Bucharest?
So, are we meeting at 9 at Darza? Maybe you have telergam only on your phone?
I went outside for 2 minutes so I could write, but at least today you can come by train and Ill pick you up from the North Station. We will leave in 15 minutes from here to Bucharest, but we are on the opposite side and there is terrible traffic in the m. After I leave my girlfriend, I will be able to add that number so we can talk on whats app. You can also write to me here when you get to Gara de Nord
Ok. I will be there about 9.30. I cant speak by phone now
All right, Ill be there on time
See you. Are you steel cant use watsapp? Im in train
Have you arrived at the North Station?
In 5 min. I think so. What car I need looking for?))
Now you can come and see us in Herastrau park, lets walk a little, lets have a friendly talk, I dont owe you anything and you dont owe me anything either, I was a little confused, but we can at least stay friends forever. Im Adrian.

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