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Is interesting for such a big city that so few women are on the dating sites. Badoo is a dating site
Free or payed?
Free but with limits. Although women can do more with free subscription then man i believe
You know how it said..the good ones are taken, or are stupid :)))
That for sure. But i would still think should be more single women then that are active on the site. I am also looking for another job. One where i can go to an office few days a week or so
Thats good...you need to see faces, not just pc
Stupid is not a big problem, if is only for meeting sometimes :-)
If she is sexy and horny does not need to be smart ;-)
Naughty man :)))
Yes i am :-). Not ashamed of that ;-)
I know for men is wanted to be sexy and stupid. Usually they dont like smart womens. Just naiv ones. This is why i cant talk with many of thoose who wanna just sex from me :))
I prefer a smart women of course
Hahahaha...dont think so
But since i am lonely for a while already i am open to others also. I absolutely do, in a relationship i want a smart and strong women. For casual meeting it is less important
My experiences telling me the oposite...and you must admit...we are very similar. Very less peopls like a stronger and smarter parttner near us. Than we are
We are similar indeed. But for a long term relationship i definately want a smart and strong women. I lived 3 months with a Thai lady. Was really nice but she was too sweet and nice. After divorce i was with a half negru women. Smart and very strong personality. That was an amazing relationship that i still miss

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