Fotografie New Matrimonial Sites, Album: cel mai tare album rbd
Imagine New Matrimonial Sites. este un ambum care cuprinde cele mai tari poze din rbd cam atat pot spune restul veti vedea voi si veti comenta
Ilustratie: new matrimonial sites .jpg Sounds like a great plan! visiting castles is always fascinating. do you enjoy exploring historical sites? Yes, i like History in general, so i like historical sites. I discovered Bran and Peles castle last year, was astonishing Thats awesome! Both bran and peles castles are truly impressive. do you have any favorite historical period? I like middle age, Antiquity. Those periods where really impressives when they needed to build new things Its fascinating how advanced their architectural skills were back then. do you have a favorite ancient civilization? Not really. Egyptians, Persians, greek, Roman and asian ancient civilizations, all leave us a legacy or another and i think there all important Absolutely, each ancient civilization has its own unique contributions to history. it s amazing how much we can learn from them. Thats totally true |
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Cele mai noi poze pe care le poti decarca chiar acum!nu mai astepta!clik on it! |
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nijte poze faine q inuyasha...s-ar putea sa nu-mi mearga shi sa nu pot sa pun decat 2 poze...dar imi asum riscul...sper sa v-a plak... |
| matrimoniale apusului
Fly Project si dansatorele la Premiile Muzicale Romanian Top Hits Bacau 2006,Kmys Club Mamaia si Ziua Petrolistului de la complexul Balc, evenimente transmise de Atomic TV si emisiunea Star De Weekend prezentata de Mc Nino |
| matrimoniale public braila
Fotografii de la Ziua Petrolistului din 9 Septembrie 2006 de la Complexul Balc,Marghita,Bihor unde au cantat Alexandra Ungureanu si Crush,Simplu,Blondy,3 Sud Est,FLY PROJECT si invitatii speciali din Belgia SYLVER... |
| www okay ro matrimoniale
fotografii de la concertul sustinut de Depeche Mode pe 23.06.2006 pe Stadionul National - Bucuresti, RO |
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