Fotografie Chat With People Anonymously, Album: crazy people party
Ilustratie Chat With People Anonymously. la cristina
Imagine: chat with people anonymously .jpg I agree with you, for this reason 17 years ago I came here in Italy, there most of my peopl. Most of my people are not serious Im sorry hearing this. but I want to say it just what i am thinking about romania How long do you live in Romania? You are strong girl when you ware been to Italiy 17 years ago. I am here 11 years. I am not came back to china two years because of Covind-19 Are you living with your family in Romania? Me too, its been 3 years I dont return in Romania? No , am divorced. Just myself Have you been married to a Romanian girl? Yes Dont miss you your country, your family in China? Of cause ,i miss my family. But now i cant go bakc Do you have children? Why dont you come back? I have a bay in china. Because of Covid-19. Boy How old is he? I am 47 You look younger Thank , my heart is younger for ever. I look your photo , you are very preety. Your eyes can speak Thank you a |
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Eva Elfie este o actrita si model erotica originara din Rusia, cunoscuta pentru performantele sale in filmele si fotografiile pentru adulti. Ea a devenit populara in industria divertismentului pentru adulti datorita aspectului sau atragator si talentului |
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Poze k actorii vostrii preferatzi din Rebelde si poze k membrii formatziei RBD. |
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Acest album foto contine o serie de imagini pline de stil si farmec, in care modelul isi etaleaza atat eleganta, cat si latura indrazneata. Fotografiile, realizate cu o atentie deosebita la detalii, capteaza subtilitatile expresiei si posturii, creand o a |
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