Ilustratie Anunturi Matrimoniale Islanda, Album: dacia mea sport
Imagine Anunturi Matrimoniale Islanda. Dacia mea Sport
Fotografie: anunturi matrimoniale islanda .jpg Buna! Hello how are you ? Hello! I am fine. You? Hey fine thanks just so hot here, How are you? What do you do ? just got your messages Well. It seems like we dont sinchronise around here Hello Meryan, yes site is slow, connection is not good. How are you ? Indeed. Bad connection. Im fine. You? Hey. Not bad thanks. Just here is very warm. How is going over there? How is your august ? Very hot,too. 37degrees Uff same here Getting ready for holiday. At the seasode Do you go somewhere? Seasode. Seaside Aah I wanted just ask you:). You go to negru sea? ) No. Greece Where? Ah I see Their sea is milder Some island ? Ues. Thassos. Went there last year I dont know this island. Ok, so you know where you go, you liked there Its lively. And lovely Nice :). How long you will stay there? 7 nights I see. You like much sea side? I totally love it |
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