
Ilustratie 23 04 07_1915, Album: djlavy

Imagine 23 04 07 1915. uitate si ma vei vedea

16 04 07 1520

Poza: 23 04 07 1915 .jpg

23 04 07_1915
Last Friday I inaugurated an important exhibition on Toulouse Lautrec. The most important ever held in Italy. Among the paintings exhibited, by other authors of his group of bohemians. There is one, discovered a few months ago, never exposed, that changes the history of art. It is an all-black oil on canvas (nomme bal de negres pendant la nuit), A monochrome, which sets back the dating of modern art. The date is 1882... In fact, the first monochrome known was by Kasimir Malevich and dated back to the 1915
When, in front of thet painting I told.. today we are changing the history of art.. A young man, in french language, answered me.. yes sir, sure.. I agree. And he said.. Im the owner of that painting.. Mia cara.. non ci parliamo da un po di tempo e mi dispiace non poco.. Hai forse disciolto i tuoi interessi artistici in questa piovosa primavera?
Yes, the time passes quickly!
Il tempo passa in fretta, le condizioni cambiano, ma le persone, nella sostanza, rimangono le stese.. Tu rimani una persona pronta, lucida, diretta, illuminata.. Quali novit

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