Fotografie Seven Sins, Album: dulce maria-rbd
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Foto: seven sins .jpg E grozav sa combini tehnica cu dreptul! Te ajuta in cariera? During my university years, I worked as a motorcycle mechanic. That was very rewarding, but did not satisfy me intellectually. I liked working with my hands, and fixing things, and making people happy. I think that you will do well with your career. you seem to care. Multumesc mult! Apreciez incurajarea ta When will you finish your studies? Termin studiile anul viitor. tu ce planuri ai? The past few years, I have been concentrating on gardening. I have planted many trees. I enjoy nurturing them, watching them grow. some produce fruit, nuts and berries. I like this Ce frumos! ai o gradina mare? My garden is 2500mp, so there is a lot to be done. in this heat, it is challenging :). There was nothing here when I started. the results are mine, all mine. I take some pride in that. I hope that is not bad. they say that is considered the original and worst of the seven deadly sins. Nu e nimic rau in a te bucura de realizarile tale! Maybe my trees are a substitute for not having any children. I like to help them grow and achieve their potential. And, you are very easy to chat with. maybe you have a special gift Multumesc! imi place sa ascult si sa impartasesc idei Me too. I have many stories to share, but it would be impossible to share them in this limited milieu. Thats sad. I enjoy sharing my stories. I had many adventures. I was also involved a lot with music during most of my life. Played in a few bands, etc. Wow, muzica e fascinanta! ce gen preferi? My preference is early rock and roll. Superb! Ai un artist preferat? Nice. do you also like that genre? Da, imi place energia rock and roll-ului! Indeed, it can be very energetic. and I notice on your profile that you like dance. :) Da, ador sa dansez! E o infatisare minunata de expresie I am glad to hear that. I admire someone with a talent for dancing. somehow, that eluded me. Nu te ingrijora! dansul poate fi invatat I tried when I lived in Germany. we were learnng boogie woogie. Despite my musical background, I seem to be very uncoordinated on my feet. Maybe I need the right dance partner. I like to see the new dance crazes, but I think I am hopeless. oh well. I am delighted if the person I am with can be in the groove. But that is a rare occurrence. Incearca sa te bucuri de muzica si ritm! As a musician, I certainly have excellent rhythm. but my feet seem to fail me. Lets move on to another topic, ok? maybe you start .. Do you drive? have you traveled to other countries? hobbies? Da, conduc si ador sa calatoresc! That is nice to hear. do you have a car? if yes, what car is it? Btw, I hear that the road between VL and SB is a mess. is that true? Da, drumul e intr-o stare nu prea buna Sorry to hear that. in general, the roads here seem to be very bad. |
 d maria
poze cu dulce maria din rbd |
 dulce m
e un album despre dulce maria din rbd |
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Buna sunt Iulia!Sunt fan RBD,imi place mult Dulce!In acest album veti vedea poze cu ea. |
Un album zooper cool, plin cu poze cu Mayte, pt ca sunt un fan Mayte. Veti gasi si poze cu RBD sau cu Anahi sau cu Dulce Maria. |
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un album spontan cu fotografi mai mult din tenelovela almumul contine si fotografi cu trupa RBD..... |
prey with soul, eye for eye, I cantari sins and the punishment is death. Amen |
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