
Foto Libido Drive Capsule, Album: eneas


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However the money was very good, and the job was temporary, for 4 months to establish the call center. So we talked and she took the job. We decided (or maybe she decided?) she would fly there in February. And I would drive her car to ther in May when I had a school vacation, and then fly back. (Her job had been extended two extra months, and the money was excellent). So I drive ALL DAY to arrive, and that evening the first thing she said was Greg, I want a divorce. Of course she had planned this ad used me to drive her car. Then she abandoned me. AND I HAD TO BE THERE ALL WEEKEND WITH HER UNTIL MY AIRPLANE DEPARTED! I STILL hate the movie we went to see! I will never forget it! Or the emptiness inside me! When I arrived home, school ended 2 weeks later and my cat was my anchor! I told you about that. Enough of this tale of woe!
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