Ilustratie Mom Duble, Album: enterprise
Foto Mom Duble. TOT CE vreti
Fotografie: mom duble .jpg She means a lot to me because my parents didnt really care and help me so I feel that is the right thing to do Este admirabil ca o sustii! Multumesc. God bless her sole. People this days they to hurt not help old people they to take advantage of them. And thats disgusting behavior. We are all going to be old one day Exact! trebuie sa ne respectam si sa avem preocupare de batrani Correct. I have a mom but she does not call her mom and she stole her pensii. Thats not cool at all Da, este trist sa vezi astfel de situatii Spee sa si scimba ceva dar nu cred Schimbarea vine greu, dar speranta ramane! Da ai dreptate Ma bucur ca suntem pe analogica marime de unda!
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foarte bine intretinut cu axa spate prevazute cu roti duble, sistem de franare, roti de rezerva etc |
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