Ce probleme? Coloana? You know my hernia. Back pain. That goes on. But you. Are you fine? Te-ai obisnuit cu furerea. Da,nu ma deranjeaza nimic,am energie:) I am glad to hear. I wish you health all the time. Tell me more about you. You remember our game. We used to ask everything. To know eachother Da Tell me all M-am mutat la o scoala in Pitesti Ask me all :) Aaa. Which school Acesta e al doilea an cand merg Let me find the location Nicolae Iorga. Si mai am la liceul din orasul meu I found it. How many days you go pitest? Doua There is phot of school at google Da. Care? Made by elena mocioc. A classroom with many students and techers Elena Mocioc e profa de romana:) :). It is difficult go from argest to here. Road is not good. You still have your car? Dq. In octombrie imi va veni masina noua. Sandero stepway Bravo. Stepway is nice Da :hug: :) Do you like the school in pitest? Have problem with principle? Nu prea imi place. Nu am programare cu nimeni,dar nu imi place situatia
Colectia de filme si poze cand o tarfa se fute la telefon, si-o trage cu unul in timp ce vorbeste la mobil cu iubitul sau sotul care habar n-are ca e inselat... :)
Fotografii de la Ziua Petrolistului 2004 din Marghita,jud. Bihor,eveniment unde au cantat Nunntasii Bihorului, Romancutele, Danger, Haiducii, Etno, Hi-q, 3 Sud Est, Activ, Sistem si Voltaj, prezentator Mc Nino