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Do you want getting fucked from 1 man or do you like having different men for that fun? I really would like having sex with you but I have also no problem if you fuck also with other men
Different men I love
Very good I totally like it if my partner is also fucking with other men. As long I not get lied I love it to know or to see how my darling is also fucking with other person
You do?
I only need 1 person to be lucky but I like it if my darling is having more fun. Are you having sex for money with men or do you just do it for your fun?
You like to be cuckold?
Oh no only for fun. But if you want you can sell me
Perfect. No lol but I would like to kiss you when you fuck with another boy
And if I come to you, you pay for me ?
I really dream about a real partnership with a funny crazy slut. Yes for sure I would do everything for you so that you are lucky. I really must laugh when you write I could sell you. You are sweet and funny and that is absolutly cool and dreamful
I mean you could sell me to other men, a fantasy for me is to be a whore for money
Where would you like to spend your future? at RO or at another country
Another country for sure
If you want you can fuck for money that is no problem for me but all money is your money. I really not need your money ;-). What is if I would like to marry you? :hug:. I hope I not have shocked you. Do you want that I pay for having sex with you or do you want that I pay all things you need here. What has that dog done with you when he was sitting at you lol
I was asking if I need to work for you or something
No but I wanted that you know that if you are doing funny crazy things then its for your fun. At the clipa I am really fascinated about you
Because I think we really could have a funny time it seems that you enjoy doing crazy things. But I would like having more time with talking to you. I think we really could match very good together
So you enjoy being a cuckold?
Think about to use my WhatsApp number because I am not often online here
Yes why I not should enjoy it. Do you have a problem that I like it if you have fun with other person. I am much older than you and so you also could have fun with men in your age
How old are you?
60.... And you are just 19?
You must know if you could accept my age...
Of course I can, I can suck your cock

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