
Foto Body Secrets Massage, Album: gti

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None of them are my cup of tea.
What is your cup of tea then?
I enjoy more traditional intim activities.
I get pleasure from giving someone pleasure. If that makes sense. Every woman have fantasies. Sometime she does not dare to tell them and prefer to keep to herself
True. many women have secret fantasies.
Glad we agree on that.
Even after years of marriage they keep their fantasies secret. I am realistic in that regard. Which part of your body you think is the most attractive ?
Ill let you guess.
Mmmmmmm. How can i guess without knowing anything about your physique. All you told me is you are 1m98. Hard for me to fotografie a woman that tall.......
Ce dorinte ai? nu ma plictisesti deja?
I would say your ass. I dont know why you are reluctant to show me your body. Without a face for privacy first. Have a trip to cluj you will not get bored :hug:
Sounds tempting.
It is. In 2 weeks i travel to Paris for few days. You can join me there also. Btw you are already at work or still in bed at home?
Why not both?
Aha. I get it. Home alone?
I wish i can come for a tea. Not now, when you get out of bed :)
Maybe next time.
Cu placere. I never been to your county , if Mehedenti where you live. I only been to Bucharest
Cu drag
Sorry i was in the shower
Mult noroc.
Merci. I am talking to you with a towel around my waist. Imagine. I am sure there is no towel on your waist :). So you never told me what is the most attractive part in your body :-P. Confidential?
Cu placere esti sa vb?
Mda. For sure

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