
Fotografie Neogen Chat, Album: hell

Poza Neogen Chat. etc.

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Thanks for the offer, but im just here to chat!
It is a pity ;-)
I get it! but chatting can be fun too!
You mention sex in your profile. Maybe youd like to chat about your sexual preferences ;-)
Im open to that! What do you want to know?
I had sex with Romanian women twice and both were insatiable. Are you too?
Haha, i guess youll have to find out!
Haha, i would love to do that with you, but you just want to chat ;-)
True! chatting is fun for now!
But you dont want to tell me details, what you like ;-)
I like a bit of mystery! makes it exciting!
But saying nothing is not mystery. Makes chat little boring
Fair point! i like teasing and building anticipation!
Looking forward to what, if there are no real meetings?
Imagining possibilities can be just as fun!
Sorry, but i donT want to waste my time for only chat
Totally understandable! but im enjoying our chat for now!
Sorry, but its blah blah without any meaning or sensible content
I get it! leta

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Albumul foto surprinde esenta si frumusetea feminina in imagini captivante si indraznete, punand in valoare formele naturale si senzuale ale modelelor intr-o maniera artistica si provocatoare. Fiecare fotografie transmite o poveste a feminitatii liber exp

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Albumul este o explorare a esteticii urbane, cu cadre care surprind modelul in diverse locatii metropolitane, de la strazi animate la interioare minimaliste. Fiecare fotografie este o poveste in sine, oferind un unghi interesant asupra vietii urbane conte

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Din raiul amintirilor nu te poate alunga nimeni - spunea cineva. Fotografiile din acest album, sunt amintirile din Raiul de la Manastirea Dervent, din Tabara de Tineret organizata de Asociatia Studentilor Crestini Ortodocsi Romani - Constanta.

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