Fotografie Mini Love Mens Spray, Album: i love tom
Imagine Mini Love Mens Spray. Bill frumos...??...of doamne.....frum e tom...I love you tom bill..adik ....nush...pan la urma urmei sunt la fel....dar tot tom e in my heart
Ilustratie: mini love mens spray .jpg You love it. Dont you I like You Me too I didnt told You. But i m sales manager I know that. You did tell me I have 14 mens and a girl to coordonate. So i m used to Tell mens what to do. But in love is different. I m telling You my rules Ok Because i want to continue our relationshipp Why dont I tell you mine? Ok. Tell me. I s part to part Exactly. I wont. I am different from you Really ? I dont have rules Explain. What is wrong to Tell You i like to be saluted If You are first online? No its not wrong. Tell me. But if you dont say dont expect me to because I dont think it is soooo important. It is nice. But not sooo important in my eyes. You are following me? Different point of view. For me it is Right. In my eyes there are things that must be and some other things that nice to be. Must be is to be polite. To respect. Exetera.... And nice to have is to say bye but to add dear for example. You dont say bye dear. You say bye And i was without respect? Did I mention that? No no. I just gave you en example I always put a Kiss with bye On general. In. Sometimes you find things that are important to you so tell me. Dont be upset Of course i Tell Just tell me and I will try to follow. Simple Good
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albumul acesta este faqt special ptr rebeli shiptr cei kre asqlta hi PCD SHI TH.mie una imi plac shi ba ciar ii ador.preferata mea din rebelde este roberta shi asta e porecla mea. |
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