Fotografie Wand Massager, Album: informatica 2006
Foto Wand Massager. Universitatea Bucuresti 2002 2006
Imagine: wand massager .jpg You mena, for you only work adn home ? :hug: :hug::hug::hug:. Come to get your massage :) :hug: I want very much :hug::-) come :hug: Would like I massage your back ? I would like it too :-):hug: :hug: You lay down, I come on you and put some cream on you :hug: On your back. :hug:. Off course you will have take off your t shirt and unblock your bra I am casually dressed at home Tell me how you dress at home ? In a t-shirt As I told, I take it off to can massage your bacj. Back. And unblock your bra Not have bra now Even better, I ll be more free too in my massage :). :-):hug:. And you ll feel more relaxed too. Would love do it now. And make you feel good. :emb::-):hug:. If you like. :-). Jusst say you like :hug::hug::hug: :hug::hug: I take as yes Yes Would you like I massage more? :-). :emb: :hug: :hug::emb: so I do. I will do... just a bit embarassed... but I ll kiss you even while doing. And more means I massage your breast. :emb:. :emb: you like? :emb::-). :hug::emb:. Need a breack, I come in some minutes, :-) Ok I want make you this hot massage. Elena :):hug:. :hug::hug::hug: |
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este un album in care vetzi gasi poze personale din caculatorul meu... facute recent... 2005 shi 2006 |
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