
Ilustratie Meet And Fuck Ploiesti, Album: intrunire - ploiesti 2006

Foto Meet And Fuck Ploiesti. Poze cu motociclistii prezenti la Ploiesti la intrunire

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Imagine: meet and fuck ploiesti .jpg

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How will you send?
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You look like sisters. So can i fuck her too?
If she likes you yes... she wants to try bbc too
So you will tell her? When?
After we meet. Maybe we can meet your other friends too
Lol so i wont meet her this time?
First only me lol
Lol but you wanna bring Indians
And its okay for you if i bring my friend too?
This one?
Yes. Or i have others
You have pics of others? Lol you wont let me meet them alone?
You wanna fuck them alone?
I can?
Hmm you dont like me cause im a whore
Lol who said i dont like you haha. Are they whores too?
Yeah, the one in the pics got fucked a lot last summer
Haha do you have one that didnt get fucked a lot?
Yeah but she has a bf
But she wanna fuck black? So which one will you let me fuck

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Fotografii incendiare cu curve active din orasul Ploiesti.


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