
Ilustratie Female Sex Dog, Album: inuyasha wall

Foto Female Sex Dog. Wallpapers dragute.

Public 24 Caracal Olt

Imagine: female sex dog .jpg

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I have a collar with dog slut written on it
Yeah thats good. I wants. I want to see it on you. When did you start relieving dogs? Yeah the pics make sense now
When I was 16... first with my grandparents dog...the one I kiss in the pic
Thats special. You really love the dog. But you moved on to other dogs
How do you know?
I saw the pic where hes on your back. Was he in you then? And I feel you want more. Who gave you the collar?
Yeah he was inside me when I took the pic. A guy Ive met gave me the collar
How did you feel to make the picture? Nice present. He was in your pussy?
I felt really humiliated, yeah inside my pussy
Well you are a dog slut now
Youve met other girls like this too?
Humiliated, did he finish? Yeah I have. But not in touch with her anymore. There are more pretty girls who satisfy dogs
He was finishing inside me when I took the pic
Very humiliating. But you feel you needed to take the picture
He had his knot fully inside me. Yeah...I had to see
Must have been shocking. But you have a nice ass. How did you feel when you saw the picture?
I felt like a whore ...what normal girl would do something like that
He was fully inside? True. You look very pretty
Yeah his knot was also inside...he couldnt get out
Took some time
Yeah we stayed like that for 30 minutes I think
Wow. Was hard
No, but he had so much cum that it started spilling out
While he was in
How did you feel the moment that happened? Did you put the dog in yourself. Or did you have help? How do you feel when you put the collar on?

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