
Poza Dog 017, Album: kryss

Fotografie Dog 017. este un album frumos

Unde Se Gaseste Untul Pamantului

Ilustratie: Dog 017 .jpg

Dog 017
Spread Your Love- Black Rebel Motorcycle Club, Pretty Woman- Roy Orbison. She Had Kisses Sweeter than Wine- Jimmie Rodgers Hair of the Dog- Nazareth. Pupici!
Pupici! :) ce melodii mai ai?
MULTE! :) Ascult la Hair of the Dog acum on repeat! It is a KICK-ASS HARD ROCK SONG!!!!! Here Comes My Baby- Tremeloes Youre Unbelievable!- EMF ADOR! Unbelieveable- Tom Jones & EMF. Vrei mai multe melodii? :)
Sigur! sunt curioasa sa le aud!
Ok :) Dar unde intocmai este problema, draga? Daca esti confortabila sa spui? poooooop! Sau nu am inteles? Lick It Up!- Kiss Youve Made Me so very Happy- Blood, Sweat, and Tears Sugar Sugar- The Archies
Melodii faine! ce te atrage la ele?
Sometimes the rhythm attracts me, sometimes the words and their meaning, Sometimes it is the connection of a song to a clipa in my past.

unde se gaseste untul pamantului.jpg

publi 24 tg mures femei.jpg

Dog 005.jpg


dog german rasa pura cauta stapan
dog german rasa pura cauta stapan

Dog german, femela, abandonata in Busteni, are nevoie de un stapan cat mai urgent. Este de talie mare, albastru de prusia o sa vina gerul, daca nu isi va gasi un stapan nu va supravietui. Cine vrea sa o adopte sa sune la 0722 706 740 Gabriela

red dog
red dog


my dog
my dog

pur si simplu trebuie vazut...


scoala de dresaj canin




album pentru cei care urasc negrii.... mie nu imi plac negrii decat fifti sent, ja rul, snup dog, dactar dre si egzibit

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