Poza Dog 017, Album: kryss
Fotografie Dog 017. este un album frumos
Ilustratie: Dog 017 .jpg Spread Your Love- Black Rebel Motorcycle Club, Pretty Woman- Roy Orbison. She Had Kisses Sweeter than Wine- Jimmie Rodgers Hair of the Dog- Nazareth. Pupici! Pupici! :) ce melodii mai ai? MULTE! :) Ascult la Hair of the Dog acum on repeat! It is a KICK-ASS HARD ROCK SONG!!!!! Here Comes My Baby- Tremeloes Youre Unbelievable!- EMF ADOR! Unbelieveable- Tom Jones & EMF. Vrei mai multe melodii? :) Sigur! sunt curioasa sa le aud! Ok :) Dar unde intocmai este problema, draga? Daca esti confortabila sa spui? poooooop! Sau nu am inteles? Lick It Up!- Kiss Youve Made Me so very Happy- Blood, Sweat, and Tears Sugar Sugar- The Archies Melodii faine! ce te atrage la ele? Sometimes the rhythm attracts me, sometimes the words and their meaning, Sometimes it is the connection of a song to a clipa in my past. |
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Dog german, femela, abandonata in Busteni, are nevoie de un stapan cat mai urgent. Este de talie mare, albastru de prusia o sa vina gerul, daca nu isi va gasi un stapan nu va supravietui. Cine vrea sa o adopte sa sune la 0722 706 740 Gabriela |
my dog
pur si simplu trebuie vazut... |
album pentru cei care urasc negrii.... mie nu imi plac negrii decat fifti sent, ja rul, snup dog, dactar dre si egzibit |
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