Poza 010 Cars 640, Album: masini by ghostz1216
Fotografie 010 Cars 640. Albumul meu are si masini straine foarte dotate si foarte scumpe pe piata.
Ilustratie: 010 cars 640 .jpg I have a business with luxueux cars in France and Romania. Luxury cars Impresionant! cum ai intrat in acest domeniu? I had a Little business with tyres, and after I began to sell cars. Later I made business between Romania and France, because I had a girlfriend in Bucharest Interesant parcurs! cum ti-a influentat relatia afacerea? I went many times to Bucharest and I decided to profit of this to export cars. But I ami working less now, I will leave the business to my son. I want to enjoy the life Frumos plan! merita sa te bucuri de viata! I think so |
the 2nd gerenation
have a look at cars of the early 1920 right up to 1946, and see the incredible cars that made history |
spawn cars
Acestea sunt masinile mele cele mai tari!!! |
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