
Ilustratie Omegle Talk To Stragers, Album: modern talking

Fotografie Omegle Talk To Stragers. Album Modern Talking

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Ya, I known, its not easy to talk on this chat, a lot of malfunctions. Nice, so, does a lot matter if the man is the one
No it doesnt matter
I think I was misunderstood in what sense I said. Anyway, is nice you think that way If he wants me to move then I am willing. :)
We can talk about anything you want. At least, we can try
Ok but I dont have anything I want to talk about now
Now or another time, when you want or you feel in the mood. Id like to keep in touch with you
What exactly are you looking for here ?
Nice people, smart people, funny people, to talk to them and if everything is ok, to keep them in my life. Maybe even meet them sometime
Ok great. So I guess we are not looking for similar things
What are you looking?
Id like to meet a decent man who can take good care of me, treat me right for a serious relationship
Ya, but, what you want is not far away from what I want. Cause if I will found a nice girl Id like to be with her
Nice, smart, funny girl :). I like you and hope you want to talk to me. From now on. Are you still here?
Im still here
I said that I like you and hope you want to talk to me from now on
I hope so too. But I dont come here often
Do you want to talk on whatsapp? Do you want to talk on whatsapp?
Give me yput number. Ok, got it

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