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Now or another time, when you want or you feel in the mood. Id like to keep in touch with you
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Nice people, smart people, funny people, to talk to them and if everything is ok, to keep them in my life. Maybe even meet them sometime
Ok great. So I guess we are not looking for similar things
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Id like to meet a decent man who can take good care of me, treat me right for a serious relationship
Ya, but, what you want is not far away from what I want. Cause if I will found a nice girl Id like to be with her
Nice, smart, funny girl :). I like you and hope you want to talk to me. From now on. Are you still here?
Im still here
I said that I like you and hope you want to talk to me from now on
I hope so too. But I dont come here often
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Give me yput number. Ok, got it

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