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Hi. Do you speak english?
Hi. Yes, of course
Its greate! Are u live in Bucharest? We can meet and see eath other?
Sure. Where are you from?
Im from Ukraine
Oh. I assume your husband is back home
Yes. He is in Ukraine. So, do you wanna coffee? With me
We could, yes. But Im at work now
Will u free in about an hower? *houer
Sadly no. Im working until 6. Are you living alone?
No. With kids. And you?
With my girlfriend. How many kids do you have?
But thay are not small
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No. So, you havnt place... I mean free place
There are appartments or hotel rooms that we can rent. But yeah, my place is not available
I cant rent appartments because of Im from Ukrain and im a refuge. But, if u want we can meet on coffee. And how long time did you live with your girlfriend? *do
Ill take care of the room. I want to meet for coffee, sure, but Im a bit full at work. We live together for 2 years. I was looking for a more mature woman
So, how u will solve this proplem? I mean your free time
I will try to leave the office for a couple of hours. Where is best for you? Do you have a preferred area where we can meet?

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