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I am from cluj
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I was in sept in TM
Cluj is very nice. I was alao there for the festival
Yes indeed is my town i love it. I was too at both festivals. Wich one ? How lomg y work in TM?
Antold. 2 years
Asaaaa yes. I was at Diaco 90 and diaco 80
Let us go to Whats app. Ol
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Is my number
Y are looking for ?
I look for friends. And you? You are married?
I look for friend to spend free time , not forovers. And i qm older that y are looking for and y are far aeay. Away from me *. N"ot lovers
I am not looking for sex, i look also for friends to spend time together. You are not realy far away
Its too far . Haw can i spend time if y are so far ?
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I presume not in my house ?
No, why, you have a lot of nice hotels
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Its nice to found friends, also in cluj
Nice answer. Y are from
I am from munich
I was in Munich in august. I m glad.
And you dont visit me. Thats not good
If y try to make virtual sex im not the right person
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