Just wondering how is to live again. You? Me .. i want live again really .. i separated since 2017 and until now i am single. I afraid to make any new real relationship .. i remember always the past relationship and how was bad. By the way i have 42 years old ... here the age written wrong. I have 2 kids .. they live in canada with them mother. You ? Im sorry for your marriage, i think that was hard for you. Im married and i have 2 boys. But our relationship is like living with a stranger Same what was my relationship with ex- wife. Even when we was do make love .. was very cold ... bad .. Not like 2 married and want enjoy. You are busy ? No, but im celebrating Easter Aha .. happy easter my dear Thank you
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Stacy Cruz este o actrita ceha cunoscuta in industria filmelor pentru adulti. Ea a inceput cariera in acest domeniu in jurul anului 2017 si a devenit rapid populara datorita prezentei sale carismatice si a performantelor sale. Stacy este apreciata pentru