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Well I prefer to know who Im talking to before I accept a request. The chat name is my real name. My name is Ramazana
That is a name i never heard before in Romania. I am Eric, i am from Holland. But live in Romania for 23 years
Im not from Romania. I am from Cameroon... I live in Cameroon
Wow, that is quite far away :-). How is life there ?
At the ocazie its very bad, especially in the city where I live. Theres a political crisis
I can poza things are not very stable there
Yes not stable at all. how is life in Romania?
It is quite ok. I live in the 2nd biggest city, Cluj-Napoca. It is a beautiful country. Just the winters are a bit cold, i prefer summer :-)
Sad that winter is coming
Yes unfortunately. But still it is a great country / city to live in
With a partner you wouldnt feel that much cold

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