All Romanians look for jobs in Germany It s true that many seek opportunities abroad! So you be ready to pack your bags next year. I will be your husband for life not boyfriend That sounds serious! let s take it one step at a time! Ok. I want wife no girlfriend. So get well soon Thank you! Recovery is my priority right now It will take 6 months Yes, i need time to heal properly! Ok Lets keep chatting in the meantime! Yes honey but not without direction What direction do you have in mind for us? Marriage, family, business. If you are my wife, I want to see you as business womam. Woman Thats an interesting vision! what business do you have in mind? Restaurant, import export, online trading Those sound like great options! ia
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Albumul Janey capteaza esenta unei femei pline de energie si carisma, printr-o serie de fotografii care evidentiaza stilul sau personal si expresivitatea. Fotografiile variate arata momente spontane si pozitii sofisticate, toate accentuand frumusetea unic
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