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You are also very beautiful. I want to fuck you. I watched your video. My pussy is wet. My pussy will be tighter :) Ill leave it for you
Have you seen my orgasm?:(. I made his dick white almost :)). When you are gonna show me your pussy?:)
Yes, I finished with you :)
How is my pussy?
Send more of your photos to email. Ill send you my pussy :). I want to caress your pussy with my tongue. Your pussy is very tender and I am sure it is very sweet :)
Hmm Im gonna send later more videos. And photos
Ok, I will be waiting. I would very much like to come to you. But I have no money now
I can come at you and get you at my home :). Money is not a problem for me
Alas, my city is considered closed. I live in the City of Sarov. What do you work as? Where do you get the money?
Ufz pandemic reasons? Have you ever do sex with a girl?
No, there is a nuclear training center in my city. Therefore, my city is closed to tourists.
I did it twice
No, but I really want to try. And you? I want you to be my first girlfriend
Did it twice, with a couple. But they was older than me. And kinda abused my pussy :))
You are my slut :)
Uhm, you wanna abuse me?
No, it was a joke. If we were close, you would immediately understand it :). I want to fuck you
Uhm, i love to be fucked hard :p
I want to drive my tongues all over your body
You already saw that in clip :). Im not tender as my picture shows :p
Yes, it was tough. Are we going to buy a strap-on so we can fuck each other really hard? :)
Uhmmm yessss. How big do you want to be?
You dont know what I can do with the tongue. I will make you cum over and over again :). First I need a small one, and then we can buy much more. If you want I can fist you
Uhmmm show me your pussy. Awwww

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