
Poza 240483_angels Bounce[1], Gif, Album: pisikutza1996

Ilustratie 240483 Angels Bounce[1]. Gif. Imagini

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Foto: 240483 angels bounce[1] .gif .

240483_angels bounce[1]
Is there an angel there to meet with me ?
My name is Onur what is yours miss angel ? Hhuuhuuu. Is there a lady here :)
I prefer not to share my name. How can i assist you?
Himmm. If u re a dentist maybe you help my laughing ;)
Ce vrei sa spui cu himmm? daca ai o intrebare sau ceva de spus... Spune! nu-ma obliga sa ghicesc ce vrei sa comunici
I dont know how can start communicAtion ewth an angel. With an angel like you ;). Could you assit me please :)
Just say hello, that usually works with humans too. good luck!
Than maybe i must start from like this. Hello, this is Onur from istanbul
Good luck with that approach. Lets hope it works out for you
Where do you think its missing? How should I approach a new person I want to meet?
Who knows where its missing! Just be yourself and see what happens
Than how re you miss preety?
Im doing just fine. thanks for noticing my beauty. but lets keep the conversation interesting. what else do you want to know?
Ok. Maybe, very clich'e question but why are you here ?
Maybe i dont know to start. Conversation. But my eyes are good to see beauty :). While you have the chance to find as many lovers as you want outside with this beauty. :-)
So much hard question? :))
De ce zambesti?
For winking at me
Asa... ce vrei?
Sa te cunosc mai mult ! ;)
De ce-mi faci cu ochiul?
Pentru ca cred ca esti atat de dragut
Multumesc pentru complimente. Nu te vad rau nici tu. Dar hai sa nu exageram
OK, nu din nou. Spune-mi putin despre tine. Nici macar nu-ti stiu numele inca strain
Misteriosule! Ce te intereseaza despre mine? poate ar trebui sa-ti spun doar cateva lucruri..
M-as bucura sa aud de la tine, domnisoara Mysterious!
Sa stii ca nu sunt chiar atat de misterioasa pe cat pare. Dar poate o sa te surprind cu cateva povesti interesante.

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Fotografii din concertul formatiilor Antipop si Gnosis.

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