
Fotografie Shoe Sex, Album: pisikutza1996

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Hello, how are you ?
Hello, im fine thx, and how r you? Thank you for your friend request
Thank you for accepting it ;-). I am fine also, happy it is nice weather now
Finally, after a rainy saturday, right? I supose you are in Cluj...am i right?
Yes i am living in Cluj. You also ? Yes Saturday was not so nice and more cold
Yes...i was born here. What maked you moving in cluj?
Long time ago i was working for a shoe producing company and in summer 1999 was my first visit. I liked it so much that from Januari 2000 i moved here
You liked the city, or what exactly?
The climate, because it rains less here then in Holland. How beautiful the country is and also how nice the people are
I agree with you..we have beautifull country...too bad its living
Not easy all the time indeed but many improved in all those years. I lived also in Brasov and Reghin but Cluj i still like the most
I can see that, after all so many peoples are with same tastes :)
Indeed :-). Last 2 years i lived in Reghin, in January i came back to Cluj
And still in shoe industry?
Not anymore, now i work for a big outsourcing company. Office work from home. In Cluj is not so much shoe industry anymore
Thats why ive asked...i was curious :)
Office job is more quiet and relaxing then a factory :-)
I am happy i met you here, you are very nice :-)
Same here, im new in this site, and you are the second nice person here...i like it :)
I did not see you here before indeed. Glad you joined. Is nice that you ask questions, really like that
Well, i saw simphaty, so i said, lets see whats inside..you know like the curious cat :)). I hope i wont do as the curious cat
You can ask me anything you want :-)
I like to talk with peoples..in my opinion this can make a good frienship
Would never see it as too curious
Aaa, i wasnt talked about asking you , hahaha...i was talking about the site
Yes it can make friendships and help against lonelyness. The site attracts all kinds of people i guess
I think so too. As i saw, you looking for a mate. But this site is proper for this?
I doubt it is possible to find forever love here
Hahaha...somehow is my view too
But i am open to everything. Just friendship or chat or whatever it will go to
Nice...i knew holland peoples are nice ones. You dont have family?
I have 2 kids that or living with my ex wife here in Cluj

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