Imagine Prostitutia In Thailanda, Album: plutesandor
Ilustratie Prostitutia In Thailanda. plute de pescuit
Fotografie: prostitutia in thailanda .jpg I have also been to asia, thailand and phillipines, kazahkhstan. A few countries in africa and of course united states. How about you? :hug: Thank you...did you also visit some nice places? Am vizitat cateva locuri frumoase in europa, cum ar fi italia si spania! They are nice places to visit, but I think Denmark is more comfortable place to live. If I should choose another place to live...maybe thailand. :) Thailanda pare a fi o alegere minunata! ce te atrage acolo? Nice beaches, comfortable living good quality and good prices...and easy to there from europe. And of course...they are openminded which i like. Did you ever visit countries outside europe? Inca nu am avut ocazia sa vizitez tari din afara europei! If we become a couple i guarantee that will change:). Do you work? Sunt ocupata cu studiile si activitati creative! tu ce faci? I work in IT, network specialist and project manager. What creative activities do you do? I am openminded so i never judge other people:) Imi plac arta si scrisul creativ! tu ce pasiuni ai? Technology is my passion, its always changing so there is always new things to learn Foarte interesant! ce parte a tehnologiei te fascineaza cel mai mult? Mainly infrastructure, which is also my work, everyone wants faster internet and faster wifi:). Things like that. Have you been single for a long time Ramona? Da, am fost singura o durata si ma bucur de libertatea mea! I have been divorced for 6 years. I can understand you have adventures while you are single. With the right man, the adventures and freedom doesent have to stop when you have a good boyfriend. I understand you are a lot younger than me, so i would still let you have some freedom Apreciez atitudinea ta deschisa! ce fel de aventuri ai in minte? Anything we agree on as a couple is acceptable. I believe open and honest communication is critical. Even sexual....within limits. I wont destroy your youth Comunicarea este cu securitate importanta! ce altceva consideri esential intr-o relatie? Being open and supportive, most importantly mutual support and understanding. And eventually also love:). I understand the man and the woman have different roles in life and relationships. A man should be a man and a woman should be a woman, but i am openminded. What do you believe is important Consider ca respectul si increderea sunt esentiale! tu ce valori prioritizezi? Respect and trust is definetely important. As for, appreciation are important values. And of course loyalty. Lol...and openness. Especially with a large age difference Da, deschiderea poate face totul mai usor! Cum te-ai adaptat la relatii cu diferente de varsta? I have never even considered dating a woman as young as you before. But i really liked your profile, so i thought i would try.. My ex wife was 10 years younger. Did you ever date an older man? |
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Fotografii de la Ziua Petrolistului 2005,Complex Balc,jud. Bihor,eveniment unde au cantat Datina, Tinu Veresezan, Insect, Romania, Retro, Elegance, Danger, Body Soul, Danger, Hotel Fm, Costi Ionita, Animal x, Nicola si DANZEL BELGIA, prezentator Mc Nino |
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Aici sunt poze abstract,interesante si frumoase |
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Stacy Cruz este o actrita ceha cunoscuta in industria filmelor pentru adulti. Ea a inceput cariera in acest domeniu in jurul anului 2017 si a devenit rapid populara datorita prezentei sale carismatice si a performantelor sale. Stacy este apreciata pentru |
| femei thailanda
Paige Owens este o actrita in industria filmelor pentru adulti. Ea si-a inceput cariera in acest domeniu in 2017 si de atunci a devenit cunoscuta pentru versatilitatea sa in rolurile pe care le interpreteaza si pentru prezenta sa carismatica pe ecran. |
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