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Strehaia. but you re too old for me anyway.
Old but gold B-)
Sure. keep telling yourself that.
...hahahah and others also! I see on the map you are not far from Craoiva. Dont worry i am not taking the car now and coming :). When you say too old you have to continue for what.... I am too old to marry you for example that is true. Too old to be your friend is not true. Too old to lick you is not true. :)
Well i m glad we cleared that up.
The feeling is mutual draguta
Sure thing. old man.
You might look at my number as old but my cock is very young and active still. That is very important for someone your age. Some girls dont dare to talk about
Well i m not like other girls.
Maybe so. I will never find out i guess
Oh really? i thought you were more confident than that. Whats holding you back?
Confidence is my middle name but i respect a ladys comment when she says i am too old for her. Thats what i holding me back
Well at least you have some self-awareness.
You locked your door instead of keeping it unlocked for me. :)
What do you want from me?
Nothing from you.

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